Miles Dayton Fish
Professor of Music, NWACC
Official Office Hours
M/W 10:00 - 3:00
email for an appointment
Helpful links for Spring 2025:
Academic Course Calendar/Catalog 2025
NWACC Final Exam Schedule Spring 2025
NWACC Spring 2025 Important Dates
Miles Dayton Fish
Professor of Music, NWACC
Official Office Hours
M/W 10:00 - 3:00
email for an appointment
Helpful links for Spring 2025:
Academic Course Calendar/Catalog 2025
NWACC Final Exam Schedule Spring 2025
NWACC Spring 2025 Important Dates

PRE-SYLLABUS NOTE: here are a few opportunities that are in store for you when you study "Music Appreciation".
...broaden your appreciation of all music--including the music you that you currently enjoy--by learning about music style, form.
...increase your knowledge and appreciation of history by learning about how music fits into the history of western civilization.
...increase your knowledge and appreciation of social and political development and the important role music continues to play in that development.
...develop and increase your ability to enjoy longer forms musical works.
And because music is an "entertainment" you will be entertained while accomplishing all of the above.
...broaden your appreciation of all music--including the music you that you currently enjoy--by learning about music style, form.
...increase your knowledge and appreciation of history by learning about how music fits into the history of western civilization.
...increase your knowledge and appreciation of social and political development and the important role music continues to play in that development.
...develop and increase your ability to enjoy longer forms musical works.
And because music is an "entertainment" you will be entertained while accomplishing all of the above.
Click here for the article
"The 7 Things
New College Students....."
Important dates at NWACC for Spring 2025
Hello Class and Welcome to Music Appreciation.
I'm looking forward to a semester of great music.
Read the entire syllabus below before you begin this course. Contact me at mfish@nwacc.edu if you have questions. You can find my personal and professional bio at MilesFish.com.
I've listed few important syllabus highlights here at the beginning. (But remember students are responsible for all information posted in this syllabus).
When you email me, type...
(1) Your Name AND
(2) Your course Section
in the SUBJECT LINE of your email.
Example—SUBJECT: “John Doe, Sec. 00”
IMPORTANT: Check your NWACC Email daily
All lectures and videos for the semester for Face-to-Face classes are posted at MilesFish.com.
Many Canvas Assignments are carried over from a previous semester and occasionally there may be a confusing date or holiday mentioned. If that happens, I apologize in advance. To avoid confusion, if you run across an obvious typo or note, email me. Thanks.
- All assignments must be submitted as a downloaded document in Canvas. Do not submit as an email; only Canvas document submissions can be graded and recorded.
- Submission must be in your own words. Essay submission must be college level compositions. Complete sentences, proper paragraphs, spelling and basic rules of English are expected in college submissions.
- CLICK here to view a video on how to submit an assignment via Canvas. (Links to an external site.)
State of Arkansas--
Brief Learning Outcomes for Music Appreciation Courses:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the historical periods of music history.
2. Recognize orchestral instruments and standard musical ensembles.
3. Utilize the elements of music in basic aural analysis.
4. Prove competence in the use of a basic list of basic musical terms.
5. Show familiarity with local arts venues.
1. Students develop higher order thinking skills.
2. Students gain greater awareness of cultural perspectives.
3. Students can write clear, coherent, well-organized documents, which are
substantially free of errors.
4. Students can read selections at the college level.
5. Students develop effective oral communication skills.
6. Students can achieve mathematical literacy.
7. Students Will Demonstrate Technological Fluency.
8. Students Demonstrate Information Literacy
- Submissions are due on the date posted on each assignment. Check the assignment for exact dates.
- Canvas may automatically penalized late submission with a lower grade. SUBMISSIONS CAN NOT BE MADE AFTER A FINAL DEADLINE. To be clear and to make sure there are no misunderstandings.... EXAMPLE: for a submission that is due on Friday midnight, late work may be submitted until the posted FINAL DEADLINE. Canvas will not accept work after the final deadline.
- For late work, Canvas may automatically deduct a percentage of your score for each late day until the midnight final deadline.
- Canvas will automatically score non-submitted work as "0" after a final due date.
- Extra credit work for missed assignments or resubmissions are not possible options in this Canvas course. Sorry, no exceptions.
- Extra credit work to raise a grade is not possible. Again, no exceptions.
Grades for submission & quizzes are posted after the final due date for each assignment.
NWACC expects academic honesty of its students to ensure a quality academic environment.
Academic honesty means that students do their own work and do not represent others’ work as their own. A violation of academic honesty involves misrepresentation, the submission of materials for evaluation that are not the student’s own (including AI-generated content), or completion of an academic exercise that does not result from individual effort or intellectual production.
Plagiarism results when a student presents the words or ideas of another (including AI-generated content) as if it were their own. If the words of another entity apart from the writer are reproduced without acknowledgement of the source or if another’s ideas are paraphrased in such a way that leads the reader to believe it originated with the writer then plagiarism has occurred.
If an act of academic dishonesty should occur, an instructor will take action which reflects the seriousness of the infraction, and could range from an informal verbal warning to, but not beyond, the issuance of a grade of F for the course.
Check NWACC Calendar for last day to drop this course.
GRADING SCALE for ONLINE and Face-To-Face Classes
I usually post grades before the next assignment is due.
90%-100+% = A
80%-89% = B
70%-79% = C
60%-69% = D
0-59% = F
Be sure and read the information near the end of this syllabus concerning FP and WN grades
NWACC expects academic honesty of its students to ensure a quality academic environment.
Academic honesty means that students do their own work and do not represent others’ work as their own. A violation of academic honesty involves misrepresentation, the submission of materials for evaluation that are not the student’s own (including AI-generated content), or completion of an academic exercise that does not result from individual effort or intellectual production.
Plagiarism results when a student presents the words or ideas of another (including AI-generated content) as if it were their own. If the words of another entity apart from the writer are reproduced without acknowledgement of the source or if another’s ideas are paraphrased in such a way that leads the reader to believe it originated with the writer then plagiarism has occurred.
If an act of academic dishonesty should occur, an instructor will take action which reflects the seriousness of the infraction, and could range from an informal verbal warning to, but not beyond, the issuance of a grade of F for the course.
Check NWACC Calendar for last day to drop this course.
GRADING SCALE for ONLINE and Face-To-Face Classes
I usually post grades before the next assignment is due.
90%-100+% = A
80%-89% = B
70%-79% = C
60%-69% = D
0-59% = F
Be sure and read the information near the end of this syllabus concerning FP and WN grades

Miles Fish, Professor of Music
Northwest Arkansas Community College
Department of Performing & Visual Arts, 1 College Drive, Bentonville, AR 72712
mfish@nwacc.edu and milesfish@mac.com (the mac email goes directly to my phone)
479/619-2237 (NWACC office) and 479.366.3331 (cell)
fax: 479/619-4290
Instructor Website: http://www.Miles Fish.com
This will help me help you--
When you email or phone me, do the following before you begin your message:
- In the subject line of your email state your name and section
- Begin your email or phone message by stating your name (the name you are registered under) then the course name with the section number and the day of the week you meet.
- Emails that do not have your course section number are returned unread with a request for that info.
Note: When you email use complete sentence, correct capitalization, and correct spelling. Sign your email with your first and last name. THANKS!
EMAIL/PHONE MESSAGES timeline: I usually return email/phone messages within 24 hours during weekdays after I receive your message. I don't usually check email during the weekend or holidays. If it is an emergency, you may text me at 479.366.3331.
OFFICE HOURS: I will meet with you at times of mutual convenience. Email me a date and time and I'll email you back a meeting conformation. I am available to meet with you most weekdays. If weekdays are not an option for you, I will arrange a Saturday morning meeting.
CANVAS: This course also has a page on CANVAS with lesson plans for the semester and additional information about the class and concerts.
IMPORTANT: Check your NWACC email regularly. This is the ONLY way the school (and I) can contact you.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: An introduction to the study of the art, the history, the business of music. An exploration of the value of music in our society. Students will be required to attend NWACC music department; most of these NWACC music event are free.
Your textbook is written and compiled by Miles D Fish, Professor of Music.
It is provided FREE in the form of printed online lectures posted at MilesFish.com.
Your assignments will be accomplished using free online resources.
The structure for this course will be aimed at developing a framework for approaching the mastery of any block of knowledge attempted in a college course (or in "real life" after college).
* Determine the learning goals
* Find and evaluate resources
* Do the work. Learn the material
* Write and submit on time for competence
TARGET AUDIENCE/TRANSFER-ABILITY: This course is listed as a Humanities option toward the Associate of Arts and Associate of Science Degrees, and it will apply toward a music major at most universities. However, the course is also designed to interest community members who want to learn more about music simply to increase their enjoyment in their everyday experience with this art form.
- Students develop higher order thinking skills. Students utilize elements of music in basic aural analysis.
- Students gain greater awareness of cultural perspectives. All students will show familiarity with local arts venues after attending and reviewing live performances.
- Students can write clear, coherent, well-organized documents, which are substantially free of errors. All students will demonstrate in writing their knowledge of the historical periods of music history.
- Students can use computers proficiently. This course is offered online: through completion students will demonstrate proficiency with computers.
- Students must Demonstrate knowledge of the historical periods of music history.
Recognize orchestral instruments and standard musical ensembles.
Utilize the elements of music in basic aural analysis
Prove competence in the use of a basic list of basic musical terms
Show familiarity with local arts venues
NOTES for Face-to-Face Classes
...a few details about this class
(Notes for ONLINE classes are below the F2F notes)
- This music appreciation class focuses on the history, terms, forms of classical music and instruments of the symphony orchestra. Short lessons are already posted on your website page (located at www.MilesFish.com and with links at NWACC's Canvas). These lessons are important, however, the primary way we will learn about music is by listening. Our prime objective is to better appreciate all genres of music by listening and learning about classical music.
- It focuses on Western European Classical music styles for a number of reasons. Among them is the fact that other colleges/universities in-state and out-of-state focus on Western European Classical music styles, if we at NWACC deviate from that premise we run the risk of offering you a course that might not transfer.
- I agree with many other music educators who believe that appreciating great music is best achieved listening to great music. Therefore, most of our classroom time will be spent listening to music via classical music videos. I also believe, along with many other music educators, that music listening is most effective when the student is doing only that...only listening.
- I request that during the listening sessions you refrain from note taking all the listening selections are posted on our website and on Canvas page so I welcome you to re-listen after class and take notes then. We were all (myself included) raised on short-form popular music (3.5-4.5 minutes). Listening to longer-form classical music requires a bit of brain-reprogramming. I believe that this is best achieved when listening--when we ONLY listen-- and do not attempt to multi-tasks (such as note-taking) during this time.
- And speaking of note-taking: I also request that you consider refraining from note-taking during the lectures. All lectures are posted online with important material highlighted so there is no need to take notes from the lectures.
- IMPORTANT: If you feel that note taking during lectures enhances your learning, see me after class and we'll talk about it and make arrangements for what is best for you. But, I'd like for you to try a couple of sessions of "lecture listening" first.
How do I Teach Music Appreciation?
Lecture, Music Listening, In-Class Quizzes/Projects, Reading & Writing Papers. Most often, I will spend our time together telling you stories of music, musicians, composers, and music events and how music fits into the development of western civilization by offering your the best in classical music performances.
NOTE: This class that is built on "Lecture and Listening" (with projects and outside readings/Youtubes).
This course may not be right for you. If you feel this may not be the right class for you, let me know after class and we'll work to find you another class (even if it's full).
How are students graded in this class?
Weekly assignments posted in CANVAS and two NWACC concerts.
Is Extra Credit Work Offered?
Is there a final?
There is NO classroom final; there is a final project due at the end of the semester submitted via Canvas.
Again, If you feel this may not be the right class for you, let me know after class and we'll work to find you another class (even if it's full).
Face-to-Face Grading Schedule for the Semester--1000 point possible
- 90%-100% = A
- 80%-89%= B
- 70%-79% = C
- 60%-69% = D
- Below 60% = F
Papers and written assignments are downloaded as a document and submitted for credit via Canvas. See Canvas "Submitting Your Papers" and notes posted above. ALWAYS plan on submitting work AT LEAST a week before a deadline; life's little (and big) emergencies are going to happen; don't risk last minute submission.
- Attendance counts. You have 4 sick-day/personal-day excused/unexcused absences. Use them only when you are sick and when there is a family event you cannot miss. Absences may affect your grade and cause it to be lower than your published average.
- Students who miss more than 4 class periods should expect their grade average total to be lowerd 25 points for each absence pass the given 4.
- There is no need to turn in written excuses.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: you can not miss your 4 excused absences THEN provide written excuses for more than 4 absences. Choose them wisely.
- If you are registered in a Music Appreciation Face-to-Face class and you cannot attend class regularly, you should drop this class and register for the online version.
- For Students who have a good attendance record (less than 4 days missed), I will raise your grade 100 points. Unless you have a low "F", that computes to raising your grade one letter grade at the end of the semester. In other words, if you have 810 total points--a "B"--good attendance will add 100 points to give you 910 total points--an "A". I've added a "Attendance/Listening Reward" column in Canvas' grade, if you qualify for 100 points, it will be added here.
I M P O R T A N T Reminders
- Late Assignments may be devalued automatically by Canvas.
- Late Assignments cannot not be accepted after due dates.
- Canvas will automatically record missed assignments as "0" after a due date.
- You may start your assignments at anytime and work ahead if you like; you may finish the course assignments--including the final submission--early.
- There is an "on-site" assignment at Crystal Bridges Museum. Students cannot opt out of this assignment due to work, school, family conflicts. Plan on competeing it early as not to take a chance on last minute conflicts.
Online Classes
This NWACC Music Appreciation online course utilizes a new format and new content that is different from former NWACC Music Appreciation online classes. Online classes using the former format/content are still offered at NWACC. We believe that offering different teaching styles will benefit our students and enhance learning opportunities.
So, read the overview carefully and check out the lesson assignments before you start. Make sure this is the right Music Appreciation course for you. Email me if you have questions (mfish@nwacc.edu).
You may start your lessons at anytime and work ahead if you like; you may finish the course early.
Your Assignments are posted in Canvas. View them before you start the course.
Again, make sure that this edition of Music Appreciation is the right one for you.
The essay submissions must be college level compositions (correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, complete sentences, etc.).
As required by our state accreditation, there are a number of discussion task that must be completed with some assignments.
Papers are to be submitted via CANVAS. Late paper submissions are devalued for each day they are late and may not be submitted after the third day. ALWAYS plan on submitting work AT LEAST two days before a deadline; life's little (and big) emergencies are going to happen; don't risk last minute submission.
The grading scale for your final grade in the course will be...
- 90%-100% = A
- 80%-89% = B
- 70%-79% = C
- 60%-69% = D
- below 60% = F
Miles Fish Contact Information:
- mfish@nwacc.edu,
- 479-619-2237, and
- www.MilesFish.com
MUST READ: CLICK for Link to Important NWACC Student Policies
INCLEMENT WEATHER: Closings and online outages will be announced on local radio and TV, and students can register for text-message alerts through your MY NWACC CONNECTION or call NWACC’s weather line at 619-4377. At times, excessive snow days or other unexpected events may result in class cancellations and office closings. Be advised that closings are not vacation days; students in both Online and Face-to-Face classes are expected to continue with the assignments as posted online. If a test is missed due to school closings, it will given the next class meeting. Online classes will continue to operate according to schedule. Exceptions and allowances may be made for exceptional circumstances of inclement or extreme weather .
Link to Academic Support web page:
Technical Support: Technical support is provided by the Student Technology Helpdesk and by the Distance Learning Department. Please contact the Student Helpdesk at 479-619-4376 or studenthelpdesk@nwacc.edu Students on the Bentonville campus may also visit Burns Hall Room 1214. Support may also be obtained from the Distance Learning Department at dl@nwacc.edu .
Academic Support: Students can find information about academic support resources, including an Academic Calendar with official dates, under the button called Academic Support on the left tool bar of this class.
Official ADA Statement: Any student with a disability or medical concern which may impact access to or progress in this course is encouraged to contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC). The DRC works with students and faculty collaboratively to coordinate reasonable academic accommodations for students. Once registration with the DRC is complete, an electronic copy of the Accommodation Letter will be sent by email to both the student and to me. After that message is sent, a student must follow up with me privately to discuss the Letter. For students who are able to visit our Bentonville campus, the DRC is located in Room 114 on the first floor of the Student Center. For more information, please see an introductory video at tiny.cc/NWACCDRCintro (address is case sensitive). For an appointment or to speak to DR Staff, email (preferred) disability@nwacc.edu or call (479) 986-4076.
Class Continuation Plan: NWACC reserves the right to enact a class continuation plan in the event of class cancellations due to weather or other emergency events. The instructor will maintain continuity using Blackboard online system or other alternate means as determined by the instructor. You will be contacted via your established communications channels with instructions. Students will be expected to continue with assignments. Online classes will continue to operate according to schedule. Consideration may be given for exceptional circumstances.
Device Recommendation: This course is designed to be accessed using a traditional desktop/laptop computer. Please be sure to check your computer for compatibility with Blackboard here: http://content.nwacc.edu/distanceLearning/browserCheck/index.php You may also use other devices to access the class, perhaps using the Blackboard Mobile app. However, please be aware that some functions of Blackboard may not work well with all carriers or devices. It is highly recommended that you use a traditional desktop/laptop computer with a stable internet connection for taking assessments in Blackboard.
CONCERNS OR GRIEVANCES: Please contact me first with any questions or concerns with the class. If there are technical problems, please see the paragraph in the syllabus about technical support. If you have concerns about the class that you do not wish to discuss further with me, please contact my supervisor, Professor Marc Turner (mturner1@nwacc.edu).
Additional Information From NWACC:
NOTE: students have the most accurate, up-to-date information about disability resources and other policies by directing them to the appropriate "button" on the course home page.
CLASS CONTINUATION PLAN NWACC reserves the right to enact a class continuation plan in the event of class cancellations due to weather or other emergency events. The instructor will maintain continuity using the Canvas online system or other alternate means as determined by the instructor. You will be contacted via your established communications channels with instructions. Students will be expected to continue with assignments. Online classes will continue to operate according to schedule. Consideration may be given for exceptional circumstances.
EMERGENCY INFORMATIONAll students should review the Emergency Preparedness Handout (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. in case of a campus emergency.
CANVAS INFORMATIONFor Canvas questions or technical support, contact Distance Learning at dl@nwacc.edu. If you need assistance with your NWACC password or email, contact IT tech support at studenthelpdesk@nwacc.edu or 479-619-4376 during weekday business hours. Canvas courses are designed to be accessed using a traditional desktop/laptop computer. Alternate direct access to Canvas can be found at: https://nwacc.instructure.com
STUDENT HANDBOOKThe current NWACC Student Handbook can be found on the Current Student Resources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. page.
a. Northwest Arkansas Community College (NWACC) students are expected to attend class throughout the semester and must stay substantially up-to-date on their coursework. Instructors may use attendance as part of grading and have the authority to lower a grade or fail a student based on attendance. If an instructor chooses to use attendance as part of grading, the specific attendance policy will be distributed with other course information at the beginning of the semester.
2. Course Commencement and Administrative Drop Policy
a. To be successful, students must participate in their learning. Students are expected not only to attend class, but to participate in the learning activities from the commencement of the semester. To establish their initial intent to be engaged in their learning, students must demonstrate participation in class activities from the beginning of class to the census date. Students who do not meet those requirements by the census date will be administratively dropped from the class with an 80% refund. There will be no reinstatement of administratively dropped students. Students removed from the class roster may not receive their financial aid for the semester. Each instructor will state the census date and participation requirements for their course in the course information. Students who have an illness or other circumstance that interferes with their initial participation may request consideration from their faculty on a case-by-case basis. It is crucial that students contact their instructors regarding their circumstances as soon as possible.
3. Academic Progress and Administrative Withdrawal Policy
a. Students deserve feedback about their learning during the semester. Faculty will report students’ academic progress by midterm. This feedback will allow students to consult with their instructors and adjust their study strategies. Students who are attending and/or participating in class will be issued an early progress report.
b. Students who are not attending or participating in class activities may be administratively withdrawn with no refund. Withdrawal from a class may affect a student’s financial aid. Faculty will assign a midterm withdrawal to students who are failing because they have not met the participation requirements for the course. Each instructor will state their participation requirements in the course information. Students who have an illness or other circumstance that interferes with their participation may request consideration from their faculty on a case-by-case basis. It is crucial that students contact their instructors regarding their circumstances as soon as possible.
4. Grade of "FP"
An "FP" (Failure to Participate) will be issued to students who fail because they have not adequately participated in learning activities and/or assessments. Students will be assigned a grade of "FP" if they fail because they do not complete at least 50% of the assigned coursework. Students must demonstrate participation by submitting assignments, completing quizzes and assessments, and accessing course functions. Failure to participate in all courses attempted by a student is considered an unofficial withdrawal and the student may be required to repay all or a portion of the financial aid received for the semester. Federal regulations mandate that the Financial Aid Office determine the percentage of the semester the student completed. This calculation will establish the amount of financial aid funds that must be returned to the Department of Education.
NWACC policy, students are expected to attend class AND ALSO
participate in the learning activities from the beginning of the semester. To establish their initial intent to be engaged in their learning, students enrolled in a Music Department course must demonstrate active participation; they must complete at least one graded assignment and/or activity from the beginning of class to the census date (9/7/22). Students who do not
meet this requirement by the census date will be administratively dropped from the class with the designation “NP” (Non-Participation) and will receive an 80% refund. There is no reinstatement of administratively dropped students.
Students are expected to remain actively engaged throughout the course. Music students must hold a course average equal to or
higher than 55% by mid-term when Early Progress grades are reported. That report will reflect the grade earned up to that point. This is separate and distinct from the final course grade.
Students who are not actively participating in class activities may be administratively withdrawn from the course with the designation “WN” with no refund.
Music students who fail to participate in course activities through the end of the term (and do not officially withdraw from the course) will be assigned a final course grade of “FP” (Failure to Participate). This can have significant financial, grade point and/or financial aid eligibility consequences.
CONCEALED CARRY STATEMENTConcealed Carry FAQ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Effective September 1, 2017
Provided all of the following conditions are met, the possession of concealed handguns in buildings and on the grounds of NorthWest Arkansas Community College is permitted under Arkansas Act 562 of 2017:
Class sessions may be recorded by the instructor. Students may not record, distribute, or live-stream the class without prior permission of the instructor. Students with accommodations should consult with their instructor before recording class sessions. Please contact your instructor with any questions or concerns.
NOTE: students have the most accurate, up-to-date information about disability resources and other policies by directing them to the appropriate "button" on the course home page.
CLASS CONTINUATION PLAN NWACC reserves the right to enact a class continuation plan in the event of class cancellations due to weather or other emergency events. The instructor will maintain continuity using the Canvas online system or other alternate means as determined by the instructor. You will be contacted via your established communications channels with instructions. Students will be expected to continue with assignments. Online classes will continue to operate according to schedule. Consideration may be given for exceptional circumstances.
EMERGENCY INFORMATIONAll students should review the Emergency Preparedness Handout (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. in case of a campus emergency.
CANVAS INFORMATIONFor Canvas questions or technical support, contact Distance Learning at dl@nwacc.edu. If you need assistance with your NWACC password or email, contact IT tech support at studenthelpdesk@nwacc.edu or 479-619-4376 during weekday business hours. Canvas courses are designed to be accessed using a traditional desktop/laptop computer. Alternate direct access to Canvas can be found at: https://nwacc.instructure.com
STUDENT HANDBOOKThe current NWACC Student Handbook can be found on the Current Student Resources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. page.
a. Northwest Arkansas Community College (NWACC) students are expected to attend class throughout the semester and must stay substantially up-to-date on their coursework. Instructors may use attendance as part of grading and have the authority to lower a grade or fail a student based on attendance. If an instructor chooses to use attendance as part of grading, the specific attendance policy will be distributed with other course information at the beginning of the semester.
2. Course Commencement and Administrative Drop Policy
a. To be successful, students must participate in their learning. Students are expected not only to attend class, but to participate in the learning activities from the commencement of the semester. To establish their initial intent to be engaged in their learning, students must demonstrate participation in class activities from the beginning of class to the census date. Students who do not meet those requirements by the census date will be administratively dropped from the class with an 80% refund. There will be no reinstatement of administratively dropped students. Students removed from the class roster may not receive their financial aid for the semester. Each instructor will state the census date and participation requirements for their course in the course information. Students who have an illness or other circumstance that interferes with their initial participation may request consideration from their faculty on a case-by-case basis. It is crucial that students contact their instructors regarding their circumstances as soon as possible.
3. Academic Progress and Administrative Withdrawal Policy
a. Students deserve feedback about their learning during the semester. Faculty will report students’ academic progress by midterm. This feedback will allow students to consult with their instructors and adjust their study strategies. Students who are attending and/or participating in class will be issued an early progress report.
b. Students who are not attending or participating in class activities may be administratively withdrawn with no refund. Withdrawal from a class may affect a student’s financial aid. Faculty will assign a midterm withdrawal to students who are failing because they have not met the participation requirements for the course. Each instructor will state their participation requirements in the course information. Students who have an illness or other circumstance that interferes with their participation may request consideration from their faculty on a case-by-case basis. It is crucial that students contact their instructors regarding their circumstances as soon as possible.
4. Grade of "FP"
An "FP" (Failure to Participate) will be issued to students who fail because they have not adequately participated in learning activities and/or assessments. Students will be assigned a grade of "FP" if they fail because they do not complete at least 50% of the assigned coursework. Students must demonstrate participation by submitting assignments, completing quizzes and assessments, and accessing course functions. Failure to participate in all courses attempted by a student is considered an unofficial withdrawal and the student may be required to repay all or a portion of the financial aid received for the semester. Federal regulations mandate that the Financial Aid Office determine the percentage of the semester the student completed. This calculation will establish the amount of financial aid funds that must be returned to the Department of Education.
NWACC policy, students are expected to attend class AND ALSO
participate in the learning activities from the beginning of the semester. To establish their initial intent to be engaged in their learning, students enrolled in a Music Department course must demonstrate active participation; they must complete at least one graded assignment and/or activity from the beginning of class to the census date (9/7/22). Students who do not
meet this requirement by the census date will be administratively dropped from the class with the designation “NP” (Non-Participation) and will receive an 80% refund. There is no reinstatement of administratively dropped students.
Students are expected to remain actively engaged throughout the course. Music students must hold a course average equal to or
higher than 55% by mid-term when Early Progress grades are reported. That report will reflect the grade earned up to that point. This is separate and distinct from the final course grade.
Students who are not actively participating in class activities may be administratively withdrawn from the course with the designation “WN” with no refund.
Music students who fail to participate in course activities through the end of the term (and do not officially withdraw from the course) will be assigned a final course grade of “FP” (Failure to Participate). This can have significant financial, grade point and/or financial aid eligibility consequences.
CONCEALED CARRY STATEMENTConcealed Carry FAQ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Effective September 1, 2017
Provided all of the following conditions are met, the possession of concealed handguns in buildings and on the grounds of NorthWest Arkansas Community College is permitted under Arkansas Act 562 of 2017:
- Carrier has a license to carry a concealed handgun, and
- Carrier has completed additional endorsement training as approved by the Director of the Department of Arkansas State Police.
- All public K-12 locations, Jones Center for Families, and private spaces not owned or leased by NWACC;
- Documented grievance and disciplinary meetings, provided additional requirements are met by NWACC personnel.
Class sessions may be recorded by the instructor. Students may not record, distribute, or live-stream the class without prior permission of the instructor. Students with accommodations should consult with their instructor before recording class sessions. Please contact your instructor with any questions or concerns.